Operation Literacy presents

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Here are a few sample posts about StoryCon that you could copy and edit as you wish.

Here are a few sample posts about StoryCon that you could copy and edit as you wish.
Sample Post #1
One of the largest book events ever to come to Utah, StoryCon is a writing conference and fan expo put on by Operation Literacy, a 501c3 nonprofit with a special emphasis in serving kids from underserved populations. Every ticket purchased helps provide access for more young writers and readers. Aspiring writers and book lovers of all ages will learn from and connect with international bestselling authors like Jeff Kinney, Dhonielle Clayton, Shannon Hale, Neal Shusterman, and many more. The full list of 14 keynotes and featured authors list is up TODAY along with registration over at StoryCon.org. In addition to the much-loved programming of Teen and Tween Author Boot Camp, StoryCon has added a general admission track, an educator track, masterclasses, a massive expo hall, and a main stage celebrating story in many forms. Come join the party at the Salt Palace, February 21-22, 2025!
Sample Post #2:
I’m not going to miss attending StoryCon, Utah’s biggest writing conference & fan expo for aspiring writers and book lovers of all ages! Panels, MasterClasses, keynote addresses, a giant expo hall, writing classes, manuscript consults, networking, and a celebration of story in its many forms! You won’t believe the line up of featured authors and keynote speakers announced today over at StoryCon.org. Registration just launched today, and this event WILL sell out! Sign up today!
Sample Post #3
I can’t wait for StoryCon 2025!
My kids / friends / family / students has / have attended Teen Author Boot Camp and it is AMAZING the difference this made in their confidence and skills as a writer. I can’t believe all the wonderful additions StoryCon is making to an already amazing event! An educator track, a general-admission adult track, and a main stage and expo hall celebrating story in its many forms. Check out the amazing list of featured authors and keynote speakers announced today at StoryCon.org Pssst… just one of fourteen is Jeff Kinney, author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. This event is going to sell out, and registration just opened today! Hope to see you there!