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Operation Literacy presents

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Public and private donors interested in lifting our community, including:

Operation Literacy plans to fund as many scholarships to StoryCon as we can obtain donors for this year! All scholarships pay 100% of registration fees toward either a Teen (formerly Teen Author Boot Camp) or Tween ticket. (Value up to $159). Applications must be accompanied by a 300-word essay written by the student about their goals for the future and how being a better writer will help them achieve those goals.
Application submission deadline is January 20.
Scholarships will be awarded no later than January 25th. If you have questions regarding our need-based scholarship, please email us at

Who should apply?
Candidate must meet the following criteria:
Is between the age of 8-19 yrs old
Has a strong interest in writing
Has a financial need OR belong to a diverse ethnic population
Application Rules (please read!)
Essays must be no more than 300 words
Entries must be in English.
Changes can’t be made to the application after you have submitted it.
Any applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
Family of conference board member or WCI staff is ineligible.
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