Operation Literacy presents

Welcome to the First Chapter Contest. We’re excited you’re here! Over the years we’ve received amazing first chapters from all over the country. This year, we’re thinking you have something special for us. In return, we have something special for you.
There are two divisions in this competition: ages 13-15 and ages 16-19.
*NEW THIS YEAR* All participants will receive feedback from our judges. First, second, and third place winners will be chosen in both divisions. Our winners will be announced at the StoryCon award ceremony and receive a commemorative award along with a full critique of their chapter.
Entries will be judged on the following: character development, vividness of setting, quality of pacing, overall clarity, and the uniqueness of voice. So write it down, polish it up, and send us your best. We can’t wait to read your chapter!
The cost to enter the First Chapter Contest is $10 for early entry and $15 for late entry.
Early entry submissions are due January 1st. Late entry submissions will be accepted until midnight on February 1st. No exceptions.
Many English teachers offer extra credit to students for participating in the contest. Check with your English teacher to see if this is a possibility for you.
Winners will be announced at StoryCon and receive a commemorative plaque and full first chapter critique.​ *We are unable to ship plaques outside the US.
Rules and Guidelines
*If you do not follow these guidelines, your work will automatically be disqualified.
Only one entry is allowed per person.
All work should be original and unpublished and must not be something you submitted for our First Chapter Contest in years past. Posting your work to a blog or website does not classify it as being published.
Entrants must be no younger than thirteen and no older than nineteen, and must enter the category of their age.
No partner or team entries will be allowed.
Entries must be double-spaced with one inch margins in 12 pt. Times New Roman or Arial Font.
Entry is limited to FIVE pages. It is okay if your first chapter is less than FIVE pages. However, sending any more than the first five pages of your first chapter will disqualify you from the contest.
Pages must be numbered.
Entries must be in English.
Changes can’t be made to the entry after you have submitted it. Please proofread and double-check your work before submission.
Do not include your name or any other identifying information in or on any of the pages you submit.
As this is a contest for teens, no graphic violence, language, or sex scenes are allowed. Think of it like PG-13 movies. This is a PG or PG-13 contest.
Any entries received after the contest deadline will not be considered.
Family of any member of the Operation Literacy team is not eligible to participate.​
For questions or clarifications, email contests@operationliteracy.org.